
"Everything about the apartment can be found in this category. Whether quirky items or furnishings, we offer the latest products that you won't find anywhere else."
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Angry Mom Microwave Cleaner

Angry Mom Microwave Cleaner

Angry Mom Microwave Cleaner Cleans your microwave in just a few minutes! No caustic chemicals are needed! Just water & vinegar. Dishwasher safe With the Angry Mama Microwave Cleaner, the...
Self-adhesive magnetic door closer

Self-adhesive magnetic door closer

Self-adhesive magnetic door closer The self-adhesive magnetic door closer ensures that the door closes properly again and stays closed even in strong winds. Magnetic door closer ideal for closing doors,...
Crazy Forts Building Set incl. Tent

Crazy Forts Building Set incl. Tent

Crazy Forts Building Set incl. Tent The perfect activity for your children and teenagers. With the Crazy Forts building set, your loved ones can recreate large castles or beautiful tipis...
Variable door stop

Variable door stop

Seal strip at the bottom of the door With this variable draft stopper for the door, valuable warmth stays inside and cold air stays outside. Studies have shown that a...
yefa.de 50 im dunkeln leuchtende Steine

50 glowing stones in the dark

50 glow-in-the-dark stones: a special garden decoration For garden enthusiasts who want to give their garden that special something, the 50 glow-in-the-dark stones are just the right product. Because the...
Self-adhesive picture wall hooks without drilling (10 pieces)

Self-adhesive picture wall hooks without drilling (10 pieces)

Self-adhesive picture wall hooks without drilling (10 pieces) "With the self-adhesive picture hooks without drilling (10 pieces), you can now hang all your pictures without tools and without drilling!" Adhesive...
 Elektrische Moskito-Lampe LED Moskitofalle

Electric Mosquito Lamp LED Mosquito Trap

Electric Mosquito Lamp LED Mosquito Trap This new method of mosquito control is extraordinarily effective. The lamp covers a radius of up to 40 square meters. This means that mosquitoes...
 Tierhaarentferner Bürste

Petbrush Hair and Lint Brush

Pet hair remover brush Even if the four-legged friends are as trusting and loving as can be – nothing is more annoying for many pet owners than the persistent pet...
Silicone Toilet Cleaning Brush Shaped for Corners

Silicone Toilet Cleaning Brush Shaped for Corners

Silicone Toilet Cleaning Brush Shaped for Corners "With our silicone toilet cleaning brush shaped for corners, you can now clean any corners and edges of your toilet, ensuring that even...
Might Repair Pro - Water Repellent Sealant Spray

Might Repair Pro - Water Repellent Sealant Spray

Might Repair Pro - Water Repellent Sealant Spray With this particularly useful spray, you can repair porous surfaces, joints in your home, or smaller cracks and then effectively seal them....
The 9-in-1 Clothes Hanger

The 9-in-1 Clothes Hanger

The 9-in-1 Clothes Hanger Each of us knows the problem of a messy or cluttered wardrobe. Generally, we own far too many clothes, and when we want to search for...
Anti-Dust Mite Pad for Bed BUGLESS

Anti-Dust Mite Pad for Bed BUGLESS

Anti-Dust Mite Pad for Bed BUGLOSE House dust mites can be found almost everywhere in the house. They are tiny insects that are not visible to the naked eye due...